Elf on the Shelf (2014 Day 1)

This year, we purchased an “Elf on the Shelf” and began the tradition of hiding the Elf throughout the house.  Kayli’s Elf is named Sugarplum.  We plan to move her around each day into some new pose, and to record each scene here.

This morning, Sugarplum arrived from the North Pole via hot air balloon.

Elf-2014-11-28-001 Elf-2014-11-28-002

She brought with her a letter to Kayli from Santa that read:

“Hi! My name is Sugarplum. Santa sent me to keep watch and make sure you are being a good girl. Each night I will travel back to the North Pole to tell Santa about your day so make sure to look for me each morning. I brought you a special book to read. I hope you like it. Santa says hello and to remember to be a good girl.


2 thoughts on “Elf on the Shelf (2014 Day 1)

    1. She loves her. Especially seeing Sugarplum’s reaction to Kayli doing something good like going to the potty.

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